Kingston has shown strength in the areas of chemicals (e.g., Green Centre Canada, KPM Accelerate) and primary metals (e.g., Novelis). By applying these technologies to the local manufacturing marketplace, a more sustainable manufacturing ecosystem emerged over the years.
Moreover, Kingston has strong academic research capacity and expertise to leverage in the flagship area of material and process innovation. This capacity includes a national network of university-based micro-macro discovery labs, and the globally recognized Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory. Local innovations in sustainable building materials, advanced polymer composites, graphene, and green chemistry received the required support and built their roots in Kingston.
When it comes to the aluminum industry Kingston has a long-standing history in material innovation, starting with Alcan’s decision to build a sheet rolling plant in Kingston back in 1939, followed by Novelis to set operation in the city. Since then, Kingston has proven itself as a talent hub for secondary aluminum/ recycled scrap. Close to 40 percent of the North American aluminum supply is now created through secondary production, reducing landfill waste, contributing much lower GHG emissions, and reducing international transportation. Kingston has a high location quotient (LQ) in this area (6.38), and can easily supply other markets.

“It’s the support you are going to get… we are all here to flourish”
Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc. (KPM) provides process development and optimization, through contract research and development services to chemical, mining, and metallurgical industries.
Queen’s Nuclear Materials group carries out research on the performance, production and optimization of structural components that are both inside the reactor and in the heat transfer system.
Contact Abdul Razak Jendi
Investment Manager,
Sustainable Manufacturing
613-544-2725 x 7242
Cell: 613-532-4858